Romney-Ryan: It’s the Ticket

Today after much anticipation and many rumors, Mitt Romney (finally) announced that Paul Ryan would be his running mate. This announcement has sparked much talk among everyone, with good reason of course. Romney’s VP pick could have been a make-or-break moment for the 2012 election.


This is true, because let’s face it: people are skeptical of electing Romney in the first place—because he’s not relatable, his history at Bain Capital, etc. If he picked a bad running mate, like John McCain did with Sarah Palin in 2008, Romney might as well have handed the victory to Mr. Obama. Of course I’m glad he didn’t. Together, Romney and Ryan have potential to revitalize the Republican party during their campaigning efforts.


I think Mr. Ryan is a marvelous choice for Mr. Romney’s campaign. Why? Mr. Ryan is definitely budget conscious, which is a wonderful trait to have during our economic hardships. His budget plan has the potential to become the forerunner of the election. He is also much different from Romney. While Mr. Romney was a governor, Mr. Ryan is a Congressman. This gives them different ideas as to what types of leadership are best to make the most effective legislation for our country. And a former Congressman has potential to rule the Senate very well. Lastly, who isn’t excited for the Vice Presidential debate? I think Paul Ryan has the potential to kill Joe Biden in the debate, especially since he destroyed Obamacare in 6 minutes. My favorite quote from his argument is “hiding spending doesn’t reduce spending.”


Although I was secretly rooting for a Romney-Rubio ticket to oust Obama from the White House, I find myself satisfied with the Romney-Ryan ticket—after all, it does have a nice ring to it. A warm reception was had by many, but others don’t feel the same. Finally, I leave y’all with the real question of mine that has stemmed from today’s announcement: who will portray Paul Ryan on Saturday Night Live?

3 thoughts on “Romney-Ryan: It’s the Ticket

    • I actually just now saw it, so thanks for bringing that to my attention. The infographic definitely makes me like him less: I’m a woman and want rights (certainly those to control when and if I want to reproduce.)

  1. Yeah, I just saw it on Facebook the other day and wanted your thoughts because I didn’t know if it was an exaggeration or if he was forced to vote that way because those issues were bundled with things more important.

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